27/12/2022 às 22:25 LGBTQIA+plural

Meet Amanda and Taylor | LGBTQIA+plural

2min de leitura

I don’t need to say much in order to help everybody see how in love Amanda and Taylor are. I mean, look at these faces. They brighten up when glance each other. :)

The first connection happened in December of 2018, when they started dating. Amanda didn’t feel ready for a relationship at the time, so they ended up breaking up in May of 2019, only getting back together a year later, after they had both worked on some personal matters and gotten some clarity.

Amanda had always dated guys during high school and beginning of college, so when she met her first girlfriend she assumed she was bisexual. However, the more she dated women the more she realized she wasn’t attracted to men at all (hi there, compulsory heterosexuality). 

The news came as a surprise to her friends and especially her family, not only because they imagined she would have the classic-straight-woman-life, getting married and having two kids, but also because Amanda didn’t fit their idea of what a queer person looked like. It took them some time to replace that vision and become fully supportive.

Taylor navigated through a similar process. She grew up thinking she was straight and only became aware of her sexuality as soon as she got to college. The first time she kissed a girl, she immediately called her mom, who was very sweet and fond about it. Considering she was raised by a single parent, receiving this support at home was very important for her.

Both Taylor and Amanda believe we all - even within the LGBTQIA+ community - need to evolve on how we assume we know people’s genders or sexual orientation by looking at them. The way you look or present yourself doesn’t make you more or less queer, so we should all feel comfortable in our skin and not be judgmental of others. 

(This post is part of a bigger series called LGBTQIA+plural. To understand the projet, click here. To see the full photo gallery, click here).

27 Dez 2022

Meet Amanda and Taylor | LGBTQIA+plural

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lesbian lesbiancouple lgbt lgbtq lgbtqia plural portraiture queer

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